We are a small group of Independent NHS Community Pharmacies serving the people of Hinckley.
Premises GPhC Number 1098148Please contact pharmacy main line (01455 238564) to arrange that.
Video consultations are through WhatsApp platform.
We provide the Discharge Medicines Service. The service has been established to help you understand your medicines and any changes when you leave hospital and to reduce incidences of avoidable harm caused by medicines.
Make life easier for yourself and let us order your prescription on your behalf. Simply let us know what repeat medicines you need, a few days before they run out and we will arrange to collect it from your Doctor's surgery.
When you are prescribed a new medicine by your doctor our pharmacists can offer support and advice to ensure you take the new medication as prescribed without suffering any unwanted side effects or explain any further questions you may have. We usually do this by keeping in contactacting you over the phone during the first 4 weeks of your new medicine being prescribed.
The service is only available for people living in England, and only for those who have been prescribed a new medicine for the conditions listed:
The NMS can help:
We can provide consultations over the phone (video consultation coming soon).
We can offer weight management help. Pharmacists are ideally placed to help you manage your weight as they already provide many health services to customers, including stop smoking services, blood pressure and cholesterol measurements and general advice on nutrition and healthy living. Pharmacists also know when a weight problem can be managed in the pharmacy and when there is a medical problem that needs co-operation with the doctor.
Ask us for advice on how to get started.
For more infoWe provide the Discharge Medicines Service. The service has been established to help you understand your medicines and any changes when you leave hospital and to reduce incidences of avoidable harm caused by medicines.
Make life easier for yourself and let us order your prescription on your behalf. Simply let us know what repeat medicines you need, a few days before they run out and we will arrange to collect it from your Doctor's surgery.
When you are prescribed a new medicine by your doctor our pharmacists can offer support and advice to ensure you take the new medication as prescribed without suffering any unwanted side effects or explain any further questions you may have. We usually do this by keeping in contactacting you over the phone during the first 4 weeks of your new medicine being prescribed.
The service is only available for people living in England, and only for those who have been prescribed a new medicine for the conditions listed:
The NMS can help:
We can provide consultations over the phone (video consultation coming soon).
We can offer weight management help. Pharmacists are ideally placed to help you manage your weight as they already provide many health services to customers, including stop smoking services, blood pressure and cholesterol measurements and general advice on nutrition and healthy living. Pharmacists also know when a weight problem can be managed in the pharmacy and when there is a medical problem that needs co-operation with the doctor.
Ask us for advice on how to get started.
For more info